Government & Trade Group Experience
Life Cycle Associates worked on numerous projects for state and federal government agencies as well as trade groups. Clients include the U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Aviation Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, California Energy Commission, California Air Resources Board, NESCAUUM, Renewable Fuels Association, and the European Commission.
For the California Energy Commission (CEC), Life Cycle Associates calculated sustainability results for fuels used in California, including criteria pollutants, toxic emissions, water consumption, water discharge, land use change emissions and biodiversity impacts. We also worked closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) and the Volpe Center to develop a sustainability framework and criteria for evaluating renewable jet fuels. For the coalition of Northeast states (NESCAUM), Life Cycle Associates calculated carbon intensity scores for fuel used in the Northeast under a potential Northeast LCFS.