What we do
Life Cycle Associates analyzes the energy and environmental impacts of fuels and energy systems. We work with clients around the world to further the reduction of harmful emissions and negative impacts on the environment and climate.
Our qualifications are based on over seventy years cumulative experience in alternative fuels, fuel production processes, delivery logistics, fuel certification and environmental impacts. We have worked with a broad range of fuels and processes, and have extensive expertise in model development. A significant portion of our work in biofuels and other alternative fuels concerns the evaluation of new fuel production technologies, their energy balance, and economics.

Life Cycle Associates has completed numerous life cycle analysis studies, including those to establish fuel pathway carbon intensities (CI) for the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). We developed software tools and methods that allow these assessments to be completed quickly and accurately. These tools include a system to analyze complex pathways from a variety of feedstocks; therefore, supporting multiple production pathways.
We have developed many of the inputs to well to wheel assessments that directly provide needed support to the California LCFS and analogous regulations. We conduct research in the area of biofuel production and the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impacts of biofuel production. Our experience with well to wheel studies includes extensive use of the GTAP, GREET and LEM models and analyses based on their model components.
Why Choose Us
Experienced Staff
Over 70 years cumulative experience in alternative fuels, fuel production processes, delivery logistics, fuel certification and environmental impacts
Industry Experts
Our deep industry experience with a broad range of fuels and renewable energies, and our expertise in model development and process design allow us to analyze the complex nature of energy and environmental issues in a transparent manner.
Fuel LCA Specialists
Our work has contributed to the field of fuel life cycle analysis in many ways over the years. We modified the CA GREET model, supported the development of the initial pathway documents used for the LCFS and have supported many fuel pathways under the LCFS, EPA RFS2, and EU Renewable Directive.
Quality Services
We work professional, challenge conventional thinking, and consistently deliver innovative solutions.
Grant Support
We help clients develop strategies for government grants. Our clients have won over $80 million in funding from the Department of Energy and other agencies for the development of advanced biofuels.
We take our clients privacy seriously and have NDA's in place, where needed.
Our clients
Our clients include many high profile companies, industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.
We help clients win multi-million dollar grants, generate RINs on millions of gallons of biofuel, and enhance their corporate image. To best serve our customers, we tailor our services to each client individually. The scope of our services therefore varies from project to project.